Until you're clear on your calling, you'll never be sure of your destination
Until you understand your identity in God, and the gifts and calling he has granted you, the journey may be frustrating… aimless.
You and Your ministry are simply a Mirror of what you believe and how you live that out.
Do you remember when you first got a sense of WHAT God was calling you to, and THAT he was calling YOU?
Over time, you’ve likely been trying to pursue that calling, but it may not have worked out exactly as you had expected.
The key here is to understand that the purpose of Calling is truly tied more to the Journey than to the Destination… It’s all about what God wants to do TO you in preparation for what he wants to do THRU you.
If you’re not on a path just yet or not sure if you’re on the right path, then working to Clarify your Calling will give you the peace and direction you need to move forward.
You see, people want to Believe and Belong.
But they will only follow YOU if you give them a good enough reason to do so
The real shift here is to acknowledge that you can’t lead others until you lead yourself.
That isn’t an automatic thing, and without a framework for that leadership, you may never reach your potential and your ministry may never become what you hope.
You will attract the staff, donors, board, and even ministry clients that reflect your values and commitments.
So, of course, your ministry will only be as healthy as you are.
You ARE a leader called to a purpose, a process, and a pathway.

If you aren’t committed to growth, then your best case is stagnation, and your likely case is an eventual decay and death of your vison, your organization, and in some cases your marriage or yourself.
In the words of Michael Hyatt, “The fastest way to scale a business or ministry is to grow your own capacity as a leader. And the best way to do that is with a coach.”
You’re either going to make that commitment or you’re not, and we highly recommend that you commit to a Personal or Group Mentoring Relationship
Quite simply, anyone who is committed to getting amazing results will find the best coaching out there and do whatever it takes to work with them
You create the vision, you setup the team, you pass on the vision, you equip them for success, and then you can step back to allow the team to do their job to bring the vision to the front lines.
To truly Leverage Your Team is to create a space and a place for others to find and thrive in THEIR own calling and purpose…to create a community where others can Believe and Belong.
You have a special reason why your ministry exists, and while you focus on “doing” the important ministry work, the REAL prosperity will come as you invite OTHERS into who you are and why you exist.

So many leaders throw themselves into a cause, a purpose, a mission and it consumes them (and their family) ALL of the time.
They THINK that the more “work” they are doing, the better they are living their mission and fulfilling their vision, but that’s only partially true!
If you choose to embrace Ephesians 4:12 (“to Equip the Saints for Works of Service”), then you MUST change the way you THINK about how you lead.
In essence, you must shift from doing the work, to building the team that does the work.
This can include staff, volunteers, board members, donors, and others.
You have to see YOUR work as a team builder.
Organizational Capacity is only as strong as the one who builds it.
How good are you at building excellent teams?